Saturday, October 8, 2011

What makes an idea worth while?

The day started out with a bowl of raisin bran and an hour and half devoted to a show called "Anyone But Me". It was while watching this show that a quote from Oscar Wilde caught my attention.
"An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all".

This got me thinking. What makes an idea dangerous?

The notion of being risky in today's world calls for the need to raise the bar farther than it has ever been raised and then jump over it. What hasn't been done before? What new story can be told?

Once you have discovered something new, you then must test its ability to surpass the everyday. What will make it stand out above all others. What will make people want to read it?

This is were the dangerous part comes in. The "Catcher" that will force audiences to marvel at your work. The "thing" that no one else thought of doing or were not brave enough to do.

If you want to become a great writer, be courageous! Do something new and be bold. Experiment!

This brings to mind another of my favorite quotes.

"If you haven't surprised yourself, you haven't been writing!" --- Eudora Welty.

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